Spring Data JPA simplifies the operation of accessing the database. Developers can save writing a lot of simple query SQL. This article will introduces how to use Spring Data JPA with a native SQL to build a complex query SQL.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) allows us to send messages to Android, iOS, or web applications, also known as push notifications. This article will introduce how to send push notifications via FCM in Spring Boot.
When developing Spring Boot, when we throw an exception, Spring Boot’s exception handler will help us deal with it and send back a JSON to the front end. In this article, we will explain how to customize the JSON content returned to the front end.
If your project is written in Java, you can use @Value(“${name}”) to get the value of my.food. However, if it is written in Kotllin, the above method will not work.
This article will explain how to login with Google Sign-In on frontend, get an authorization code and pass it to a Spring Security backend. After backend verify with Google, pass JWT to frontend.
This article will explain how to implement JWT-Token-Based authentication in Spring Security. We will explain how to read username and password from JPA for login verification, how to generate JWT Tokens, and how to verify JWT Tokens.
Spring Security abstracts almost all components, so that it is impossible to understand intuitively. This article will discuss the architecture of Spring Security in a simple way.