Passing lambdas to functions in Kotlin can cause runtime overhead. Correct use of the inline modifier can remove these runtime overhead and improve performance.
Swift packages are reusable code components. It can contain not only code, but also binary XCFrameworks. Distributing XCFrameworks can protect source code.
After having modularized a project, the project is divided into an app project or a framework project, and several Swift packages. We can easily manage these sub-projects with Xcode workspaces.
Swift Packages are reusable code components. In addition to adding other Swift package dependencies to Swift packages, we can also add Swift package dependencies to Xcode projects.
Swift packages are reusable code components. It can contain code, binaries, and resource files. We can easily use Swift packages in our app projects. This article describes how to build and publish Swift packages.
Kotlin’s by keyword allows us to easily implement the Delegation Pattern. When we use Kotlin’s by keywords, we don’t need to implement these delegation code. This makes the code quite compact.
Looper and Handler are one of the Android core components, and many high-level components are built on top of them. Understanding them helps us understand how some core components work. This article will introduce Looper and Handler and related components.
Contacts Provider is an Android built-in content provider. It manages contacts in the system. Android’s Contacts app also accesses contact information through the contacts provider.
Content Provider is one of the four application components of Android. It can help app manage data stored in itself or in other apps, and provide a way to share data with other apps.