Multiple Classification Neural Network

Photo by Mike Stezycki on Unsplash
Photo by Mike Stezycki on Unsplash
Multiple classification neural network can classify more than one category. Compared with  binary classification, it is more commonly used in practice. This article will introduce the theory of multiple classification neural network in detail.

Multiple classification neural network can classify more than one category. Compared with 
binary classification, it is more commonly used in practice. This article will introduce the theory of multiple classification neural network in detail.

The complete code for this chapter can be found in .

Neural Network

Before starting this article, readers must understand neural network and binary classification. Many of the concepts in this article are similar to binary classification. We will not repeat these similarities in this article. Therefore, whether readers understand binary classification or not, it is recommended to read the following article first.

Softmax Function

Softmax Function

Compared with binary classification, multiple classification uses softmax function as the activation function of the output layer.

Softmax function is defined as follows. Each e^{z_j} is greater than zero, and both are divided by the sum. So \sigma(z) will be a probability distribution that sums to 1.

z=(z_1,z_2,\cdots,z_K) \\\\ \sigma(z)=\left(\frac{e^{z_1}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}},\frac{e^{z_2}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}},\dots,\frac{e^{z_K}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}}\right)

The following code implements the softmax function.

def softmax(Z):
    Implements the softmax activation.

    Z: (ndarray of any shape) - input to the activation function

    A: (ndarray of same shape as Z) - output of the activation function

    # Subtracting the maximum value in each column for numerical stability to avoid overflow
    Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
    A = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return A

Derivative of Softmax Function

Solving for the derivative of the softmax function is a bit complicated. First, the k-th term of the output of the softmax function is as follows.

\sigma(z)_k=\sigma_k=\frac{e^{z_k}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{z_j}} \\\\ \text{let }Z=\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j},\text{then }\sigma_k=\frac{e^{z_k}}{Z}

\sigma_k differentiates z_i, as follows.

\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\frac{1}{Z}\frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}+ e^{z_k}\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}

First, let’s think about it \frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}. At this time, there are two situations.

  • When k=i, then \frac{\partial e^{z_i}}{\partial z_i}=e^{z_i}.
  • When k\neq i, then \frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}=0.

We can merge these two situations using kronecker delta.

\delta_{ki}= \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if } k=i \\ 0 &\text{if } k\neq i \end{cases} \\\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}e^{z_k}=e^{z_k}\delta_{ki}

Now to deal with \frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}.

\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}= -\frac{1}{Z^2} \frac{\partial Z}{\partial z_i} \\\\ \because\frac{\partial Z}{\partial z_i}= \frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}\Bigl(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}\Bigr)=e^{z_i} \\\\ \therefore\frac{\partial \frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}= -\frac{1}{Z^2} e^{z_i}

Substituting the above two parts back, we can get the following.

\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\frac{1}{Z}\frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}+ e^{z_k}\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i} \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\frac{1}{Z}(e^{z_k}\delta_{ki})+e^{z_k}(-\frac{1}{Z^2}e^{z_i})

After factoring, finally \sigma_k differentiating z_i is as follows.

\frac{e^{z_k}}{Z}=\sigma_k \\\\ \frac{e^{z_i}}{Z}=\sigma_i \\\\ \frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\delta_{ki}\sigma_k-\sigma_k \frac{e^{z_i}}{Z} \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\delta_{ki}\sigma_k- \sigma_k\sigma_i \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\sigma_k(\delta_{ki}-\sigma_i)

\sigma(z) has K items. Each item must differentiate z_i \text{for } i=1,...,K separately. Therefore, the derivative of softmax is a K \times K jacobian matrix , as follows.

J=\begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial\sigma_1}{\partial z_1} & \cdots & \frac{\partial\sigma_1}{\partial z_K} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial\sigma_K}{\partial z_1} & \cdots & \frac{\partial\sigma_K}{\partial z_K} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\\\ J_{k,i}=\sigma_k(\delta_{ki}-\sigma_i)

And when k=i or k\neq i, J_{k,i} will be different values. Because J is a K \times K matrix, k=i are items on the diagonal.

J_{k,i} \begin{cases}\sigma_k(1-\sigma_k), & k=i \\-\sigma_k\sigma_i, & k\neq i\end{cases}

In the following code, the input value z is the output value of the softmax function. softmax_jacobian() implements the derivative of the softmax function, and its derivative will be a jacobian matrix.

def softmax_jacobian(z):
    Computes the Jacobian matrix for the softmax function.

    Z: (ndarray (K,1)) - the input to the softmax function

    dZ: (ndarray (K,K)) - the Jacobian matrix
    z_stable = z - np.max(z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(z_stable)
    g = exp_z / np.sum(exp_z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return np.diag(g) - np.outer(g, g)

Multiple Classification Neural Network

The figure below is a neural network of multiple classification. Compared with binary classification, the activation function in its output layer is softmax \sigma.

Multiple classification with neural network.
Multiple classification with neural network.

Gradient Descent

The gradient descent of multiple classification neural network is as follows. Since each layer has corresponding parameters W and b, we must calculate the partial derivative of J with respect to each layer W and b.

\displaystyle L:\text{number of layers} \\\\ K:\text{number of classes} \\\\ m:\text{number of examples} \\\\ \text{Parameters}: W^{[\ell]},b^{[\ell]},\ell=1,...,L \\\\ \text{Loss function}: J(W,b)=-\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{k=1}^{K} Y_{k}^{(i)}\log A_{k}^{[L](i)} \\\\ \text{repeat until convergence \{} \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}\text{Compute predict }(\hat{y}^{(i)},i=1,...,m) \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}W^{[\ell]}:=W^{[\ell]}-\frac{\partial J}{\partial W^{[\ell]}}, \ell=1,...,L \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}b^{[\ell]}:=b^{[\ell]}-\frac{\partial J}{\partial b^{[\ell]}}, \ell=1,...,L \\\\ \text{\}}

Loss Function

In the neural network of multiple classification, the activation function of the output layer is the softmax function. Therefore, we use cross-entropy loss as its loss function.

\displaystyle J(W,b)=-\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{k=1}^{K} Y_{k}^{(i)}\log A_{k}^{[L](i)} \\\\ L:\text{number of layers} \\\\ K:\text{number of classes} \\\\ m:\text{number of examples} \\\\

The following code implements the loss function.

def compute_cost(AL, Y):
    Computes the cross-entropy cost.

    AL: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - probability vector corresponding to the label predictions
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true label vector

    cost: (float) - the cross-entropy cost

    m = Y.shape[1]
    cost = -(1 / m) * np.sum(Y * np.log(AL))
    return cost

Forward Propagation

In forward propagation, activation functions return Z to the caller, who stores it in caches. These caches will be used in backpropagation.

The following code implements the softmax activation function.

def softmax(Z):
    Implements the softmax activation.

    Z: (ndarray of any shape) - input to the activation function

    A: (ndarray of same shape as Z) - output of the activation function
    cache: (ndarray) - returning Z for backpropagation

    # Subtracting the maximum value in each column for numerical stability to avoid overflow
    Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
    A = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    cache = Z
    return A, cache

Backpropagation or Backward Propagation

Backpropagation is actually the differential chain rule.


In the binary classification neural network, we mentioned how to obtain the derivatives of each parameter. In multiple classification neural network, we are also required to take the derivative of each parameter. The difference is that the loss function we use here is different from the activation function in the output layer.

First, let’s do the math \frac{\partial J}{\partial A^{[L]}}.

\frac{\partial J}{\partial A^{[L]}}=-\frac{1}{m}\frac{Y}{A^{[L]}}

Calculate \frac{\partial A^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}} for each example. Here, each example needs to be calculated separately because it will be a jacobian matrix.

\frac{\partial A_{k}^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z_{k}^{[L](i)}}=A_{k}^{[L](i)}[\delta_{kj}-A_{j}^{[L](i)}] \\\\ \frac{\partial A^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}} \text{ is a K } \times \text{K jacobian matrix}

After calculating \frac{\partial J}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}} for each example, combine them.

\frac{\partial J}{\partial Z^{[L]}}=\begin{bmatrix} \vdots & \cdots & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial A^{[L](1)}}{\partial Z^{[L](1)}}\frac{\partial J^{(1)}}{\partial A^{[L](1)}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial A^{[L](m)}}{\partial Z^{[L](m)}}\frac{\partial J^{(m)}}{\partial A^{[L](m)}} \\ \vdots & \cdots & \vdots \end{bmatrix}

For calculation of partial derivatives of other parameters, please refer to binary classification neural network.

The following code implements the partial derivative of the softmax activation function.

def softmax_backward(dA, cache):
    Implements the backward propagation for a single softmax unit.

    dA: (ndarray of any shape) - post-activation gradient
    cache: (ndarray) - Z from the forward propagation

    dZ: (ndarray of the same shape as A) - gradient of the cost with respect to Z

    def softmax_jacobian(Z):
        Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
        g = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        return np.diag(g) - np.outer(g, g)

    Z = cache
    m = Z.shape[1]
    dZ = np.zeros_like(Z)
    for k in range(m):
        dZ[:, k] = softmax_jacobian(Z[:, k]) @ dA[:, k]
    return dZ

Finally, model_backward() in the following code implements the entire backpropagation.

def model_backward(AL, Y, caches, activation_functions):
    Implements the backward propagation for the entire network.

    AL: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - the output of the last layer
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true labels
    caches: (list of tuples) - containing linear_cache (A_prev, W, b) and activation_cache (Z) for each layer
    activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.

    gradients: (dict) with keys where 0 <= l <= len(activation_functions) - 1:
        dA{l-1}: (ndarray (size of previous layer, number of examples)) - gradient of the cost with respect to the activation for previous layer l - 1
        dWl: (ndarray (size of current layer, size of previous layer)) - gradient of the cost with respect to W for layer l
        dbl: (ndarray (size of current layer, 1)) - gradient of the cost with respect to b for layer l

    gradients = {}
    L = len(activation_functions)
    m = AL.shape[1]
    dAL = -(1 / m) * (Y / AL)
    dA_prev = dAL
    for l in reversed(range(1, L)):
        current_cache = caches[l - 1]
        dA_prev, dW, db = linear_activation_backward(dA_prev, current_cache, activation_functions[l])
        gradients[f'dA{l - 1}'] = dA_prev
        gradients[f'dW{l}'] = dW
        gradients[f'db{l}'] = db
    return gradients

Putting All Together

nn_model() in the following code implements the entire model. It first performs forward propagation, then performs backpropagation, and finally updates the parameters.

def nn_model(X, Y, init_parameters, layer_activation_functions, learning_rate, num_iterations):
    Implements a neural network.

    X: (ndarray (input size, number of examples)) - input data
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true labels
    init_parameters: (dict) - the initial parameters for the network
    layer_activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.
    learning_rate: (float) - the learning rate
    num_iterations: (int) - the number of iterations

    parameters: (dict) - the learned parameters
    costs: (list) - the costs at every 100th iteration

    costs = []
    parameters = init_parameters.copy()

    for i in range(num_iterations):
        AL, caches = model_forward(X, parameters, layer_activation_functions)
        cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)
        gradients = model_backward(AL, Y, caches, layer_activation_functions)
        parameters = update_parameters(parameters, gradients, learning_rate)

        if i % 100 == 0 or i == num_iterations:

    return parameters, costs

After training the parameters, we can use the following nn_model_predict() to make predictions.

def nn_model_predict(X, parameters, activation_functions):
    Predicts the output of the neural network.

    X: (ndarray (input size, number of examples)) - input data
    parameters: (dict) - the learned parameters
    activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.

    predictions: (ndarray (number of classes, number of examples)) - the predicted labels

    probabilities, _ = model_forward(X, parameters, activation_functions)
    pred = np.argmax(probabilities, axis=0)
    predictions = np.zeros_like(probabilities)
    for i in range(predictions.shape[1]):
        predictions[pred[i], i] = 1
    return predictions


We will use an example to show how to use our model. First, we load the training data x_orig and y. x_orig is an array containing 100 images. Each image is 64 x 64 in size and has three channels. y is an array containing 0 or 1, 1 means there is a cat in the picture, 0 means it is not a cat.

x_orig, y_orig = load_data()
print(f'x_orig shape: {x_orig.shape}')
print(f'y_orig shape: {y_orig.shape}')
# Output
x_orig shape: ndarray(100, 64, 64, 3)
y_orig shape: ndarray(1, 100)

Previously we listed the dimensions of X as (nh, m), so each picture is a row vector. Below we take the dimensions of x_orig and convert the values ​​0 to 255 into values ​​from 0 to 1. Convert y_orig to one hot encoding.

x_flatten = x_orig.reshape(x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
x = train_x_flatten / 255.

y = np.zeros((2, y_orig.shape[1]))
y[0, y_orig[0, :] == 0] = 1
y[1, y_orig[0, :] == 1] = 1

print("x shape: " + str(x.shape))
print("y shape: " + str(y.shape))

# Output
x shape: ndarray(1228, 100)
y shape: ndarray(2, 200)

First, we need to decide the number of layers of the model and the number of neurons in each layer. Below we set the model to have an input layer, three layers in the hidden layer, and an output layer. We also need to decide the activation function of each layer, where layer_activation_functions[0] corresponds to the input layer, so it will not be used.

After these decisions are made, we can initialize all parameters W and b, and then call nn_model() to train the model. Finally, obtain the trained parameters.

layer_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 10, 1]
init_parameters = initialize_parameters(layer_dims)
layer_activation_functions = ['none', 'relu', 'relu', 'relu', 'softmax']
learning_rate = 0.0075
parameters, costs = nn_model(x, y, init_parameters, layer_activation_functions, learning_rate, 3000)

With the trained parameters, we can use them to predict other pictures.

x_new_orig = load_new_data()
x_new_flatten = x_new_orig.reshape(x_new_orig.shape[0], -1).T
x_new = x_new_flatten / 255.
y_new = nn_model_predict(x_new, parameters, layer_activation_functions)


Obtaining the partial derivative of the softmax function is quite complicated. Fortunately, now we no longer need to implement this part ourselves, but use libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow to implement the neural network. But understanding its internal details allows us to understand it better.


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