CocoaPods is a package management tool for Xcode. Package management tools are a very important part in software development. This article will explain how to install CocoaPods, how to create a CocoaPods project, and how to update packages.
Imagine if there is no package management tool, every third-party package may have a different way to integrate. In addition, each package has a dependency relationship with other packages. This means that you have to integrate those dependent packages, and you have to integrate the correct versions.
The most famous are:
- CocoaPods
- Carthage
- Swift Package Manager
Swift Package Manager is officially maintained by Swift. However, the number of users of CocoaPods will be still very large in next two years.
Table of Contents
Installing CocoaPods
First of all, the command to install CocoaPods is as follows:
% sudo gem install cocoapods
pod init: Creating a CocoaPods Project
To create a CocoaPods project, you must first create a Xcode project, and then import CocoaPods into the project.
Open Xcode, and create a Xcode project named CocoaPodsExample. Build the project and close Xcode.
Open terminal, and switch to the directory of the CocoaPodsExample project.
% cd CocoaPodsExample CocoaPodsExample % ls CocoaPodsExample CocoaPodsExampleTests CocoaPodsExample.xcodeproj CocoaPodsExampleUITests
Initialize CocoaPods to the project. A Podfile file will be added under the directory. Podfile is the configuration file of a CocoaPods project.
CocoaPodsExample % pod init CocoaPodsExample % ls CocoaPodsExample CocoaPodsExampleUITests CocoaPodsExample.xcodeproj Podfile CocoaPodsExampleTests
Let’s include Alamofire framework into the Podfile.
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project # platform :ios, '9.0' target 'CocoaPodsExample' do # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks! # Pods for CocoaPodsExample pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.1' target 'CocoaPodsExampleTests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end target 'CocoaPodsExampleUITests' do # Pods for testing end end
pod install: Installing Packages
Install packages addressed in the Podfile.
CocoaPodsExample % pod install Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies Installing Alamofire (5.1.0) Generating Pods project Integrating client project ... CocoaPodsExample % ls CocoaPodsExample CocoaPodsExample.xcodeproj CocoaPodsExample.xcworkspace CocoaPodsExampleTests CocoaPodsExampleUITests Podfile Podfile.lock Pods
After the installation, three files will be added under the directory. They are:
- Podfile.lock records which packages are installed and which version is installed. You will not edit this file directly.
- The package files are under the Pods directory.
- CocoaPodsExample.xcworkspace is a new project file. After that, you must use Xcode to open the .xcworkspace instead of the original .xcodeproj file.
CocoaPods Version Rules
When we added Alamofire package to the Podfile, we saw ‘~> 5.1’. This means that any version of Alamofire that is greater than or equal to 5.1 and less than 6.0 can be installed. The version rules are:
- ‘> 0.1’: Any version greater than 0.1
- ‘>= 0.1’: Any version greater than or equal to 0.1
- ‘< 0.1’: Any version less than 0.1
- ‘<= 0.1’: Any version less than or equal to 0.1
- ‘~> 0.1.2’: Any version greater than or equal to 0.1.2 and less than 0.2
- ‘~> 0.1’: Any version greater than or equal to 0.1 and less than 1.0
- ‘~> 0’: Any version greater than 0, that is, any version is fine. You can also skip it directly.
In other words, the actual installed version is recorded in Podfile.lock, and Podfile describes the rules for installable versions. So when you want to confirm the currently installed version of a certain package, check it in Podfile.lock.
pod outdated: Listing Updatable Packages
When you want to know which installed packages have new versions, you can use the following command. This command will list those packages in Podfile.lock that have new versions available for download.
CocoaPodsExample % pod outdated
pod update: Upgrading Packages
When you think of updating a certain package, you can use the following command to upgrade. It will download and upgrade the package, and the new version number will be recorded in Podfile.lock.
CocoaPodsExample % pod update PODNAME
However, it is also very troublesome to upgrade each package by commands. Use the following command to upgrade all packages at once.
CocoaPodsExample % pod update
CocoaPods automatically help you manage dependencies and install the correct package versions. You only need to add packages to Podfile, or change versions in Podfile, CocoaPods will help you accomplish the rest.