Linear regression is a data analysis technique that uses linear functions to predict data. Although the linear regression model is relatively simple, it is a mature statistical technique.
Candlestick charts are often used to show the trend of stock prices. A single candlestick can indicate four prices, which are the highest price, the opening price, the closing price, and the lowest price.
When analyzing data, regression lines can help us understand the trend of data. In this article, we will introduce how to use Seaborn and Plotly Express to plot regression lines.
Choropleth Map displays spatial variations of quantities of data on a map. In this article, we will introduce how to use Python’s Plotly Express package to plot a choropleth map.
Box Plots and Violin Plots are statistical charts that can well represent the distribution of data. In this article, we will introduce how to use Python’s Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly Express packages to draw box plots and violin plots.
Pie/donut/sunburst charts are often used to describe the relative relationship between quantities or percentages. We will introduce how to draw a pie chart using Python’s Matplotlib and Plotly Express package.
Heatmaps are often used to display the correlation coefficient of data. In this article, we will introduce how to use Python’s Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly Express packages to draw heatmaps.