多元分類神經網路(Multiple Classification Neural Network)

Photo by Mike Stezycki on Unsplash
Photo by Mike Stezycki on Unsplash
多元分類神經網路(multiple classification neural network)可以分類多於一種類別。相較於二元分類(binary classification),在實務上是比較常被使用的。本文章將詳細介紹 multiple classification neural network 的理論。

多元分類神經網路(multiple classification neural network)可以分類多於一種類別。相較於二元分類(binary classification),在實務上是比較常被使用的。本文章將詳細介紹 multiple classification neural network 的理論。

完整程式碼可以在 下載。

神經網路(Neural Network)

在本文章開始之前,讀者必須要了解 neural network 和 binary classification。本文章中許多的觀念都與 binary classification 雷同。我們不會在本文章中重複這些雷同的部分。因此,不論讀者是否了解 binary classification,建立先閱讀以下文章。

Softmax 函數

Softmax 函數

相對於 binary classification,multiple classification 使用 softmax 函數作為 output layer 的 activation function。

Softmax 函數定義如下。每一個 e^{z_j} 都大於零,並且都除以總和。因此 \sigma(z) 會是一個總和為 1 的機率分佈。

z=(z_1,z_2,\cdots,z_K) \\\\ \sigma(z)=\left(\frac{e^{z_1}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}},\frac{e^{z_2}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}},\dots,\frac{e^{z_K}}{\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}}\right)

以下程式碼實作了 softmax 函數。

def softmax(Z):
    Implements the softmax activation.

    Z: (ndarray of any shape) - input to the activation function

    A: (ndarray of same shape as Z) - output of the activation function

    # Subtracting the maximum value in each column for numerical stability to avoid overflow
    Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
    A = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return A

Softmax 函數的導數

Softmax 函數的導數求解有點複雜。首先,softmax 函數的輸出的第 k 項如下。

\sigma(z)_k=\sigma_k=\frac{e^{z_k}}{\sum_{j=1}^k e^{z_j}} \\\\ \text{let }Z=\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j},\text{then }\sigma_k=\frac{e^{z_k}}{Z}

\sigma_kz_i 做微分,如下。

\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\frac{1}{Z}\frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}+ e^{z_k}\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}

首先,我們先考慮 \frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}。此時,有兩種情況。

  • k=i,則 \frac{\partial e^{z_i}}{\partial z_i}=e^{z_i}
  • k\neq i,則 \frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}=0

我們可以用 kronecker delta 將這兩種情況合併。

\delta_{ki}= \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if } k=i \\ 0 &\text{if } k\neq i \end{cases} \\\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}e^{z_k}=e^{z_k}\delta_{ki}

現在來處理 \frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}

\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}= -\frac{1}{Z^2} \frac{\partial Z}{\partial z_i} \\\\ \because\frac{\partial Z}{\partial z_i}= \frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}\Bigl(\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^K e^{z_j}\Bigr)=e^{z_i} \\\\ \therefore\frac{\partial \frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i}= -\frac{1}{Z^2} e^{z_i}


\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\frac{1}{Z}\frac{\partial e^{z_k}}{\partial z_i}+ e^{z_k}\frac{\partial\frac{1}{Z}}{\partial z_i} \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\frac{1}{Z}(e^{z_k}\delta_{ki})+e^{z_k}(-\frac{1}{Z^2}e^{z_i})

化簡之後,最後 \sigma_kz_i 做微分如下。

\frac{e^{z_k}}{Z}=\sigma_k \\\\ \frac{e^{z_i}}{Z}=\sigma_i \\\\ \frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}=\delta_{ki}\sigma_k-\sigma_k \frac{e^{z_i}}{Z} \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\delta_{ki}\sigma_k- \sigma_k\sigma_i \\\\ \hphantom{\frac{\partial\sigma_k}{\partial z_i}}=\sigma_k(\delta_{ki}-\sigma_i)

\sigma(z)K 項。每一項都要分別對 z_i \text{for } i=1,...,K 做微分。因此,softmax 的導數是一個 K \times Kjacobian matrix,如下。

J=\begin{pmatrix} \frac{\partial\sigma_1}{\partial z_1} & \cdots & \frac{\partial\sigma_1}{\partial z_K} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial\sigma_K}{\partial z_1} & \cdots & \frac{\partial\sigma_K}{\partial z_K} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\\\ J_{k,i}=\sigma_k(\delta_{ki}-\sigma_i)

而當 k=ik\neq i 時,J_{k,i} 會有不同的值。因為 J 是一個 K \times K 的矩陣,因此 k=i 會是對角線上的項。

J_{k,i} \begin{cases}\sigma_k(1-\sigma_k), & k=i \\-\sigma_k\sigma_i, & k\neq i\end{cases}

以下程式碼中,輸入值 z 是 softmax 函數的輸出值。softmax_jacobian() 實作了 softmax 函數的導數,而其導數會是一個 jacobian matrix。

def softmax_jacobian(z):
    Computes the Jacobian matrix for the softmax function.

    Z: (ndarray (K,1)) - the input to the softmax function

    dZ: (ndarray (K,K)) - the Jacobian matrix
    z_stable = z - np.max(z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(z_stable)
    g = exp_z / np.sum(exp_z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return np.diag(g) - np.outer(g, g)

多元神經網路(Multiple Classification Neural Network)

下圖是一個 multiple classification 的 neural network。與 binary classification 相比,它的 output layer 裡的 activation function 是 softmax \sigma

Multiple classification with neural network.
Multiple classification with neural network.

梯度下降(Gradient Descent)

Multiple classification neural network 的 gradient descent 如下。由於每一層都有對應的參數 Wb,因此我們必須要計算 J 對每一層 Wb 的偏導數。

\displaystyle L:\text{number of layers} \\\\ K:\text{number of classes} \\\\ m:\text{number of examples} \\\\ \text{Parameters}: W^{[\ell]},b^{[\ell]},\ell=1,...,L \\\\ \text{Loss function}: J(W,b)=-\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{k=1}^{K} Y_{k}^{(i)}\log A_{k}^{[L](i)} \\\\ \text{repeat until convergence \{} \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}\text{Compute predict }(\hat{y}^{(i)},i=1,...,m) \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}W^{[\ell]}:=W^{[\ell]}-\frac{\partial J}{\partial W^{[\ell]}}, \ell=1,...,L \\\\ \hphantom{xxxx}b^{[\ell]}:=b^{[\ell]}-\frac{\partial J}{\partial b^{[\ell]}}, \ell=1,...,L \\\\ \text{\}}

損失函式(Loss Function)

在 multiple classification 的 neural network 裡,output layer 的 activation function 是 softmax function。因此,我們使用 cross-entropy loss 作為它的 loss function。

\displaystyle J(W,b)=-\frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{k=1}^{K} Y_{k}^{(i)}\log A_{k}^{[L](i)} \\\\ L:\text{number of layers} \\\\ K:\text{number of classes} \\\\ m:\text{number of examples} \\\\

以下程式碼實作了 loss function。

def compute_cost(AL, Y):
    Computes the cross-entropy cost.

    AL: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - probability vector corresponding to the label predictions
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true label vector

    cost: (float) - the cross-entropy cost

    m = Y.shape[1]
    cost = -(1 / m) * np.sum(Y * np.log(AL))
    return cost

前向傳播(Forward Propagation)

前向傳播(forward propagation)中,activation functions 要將 Z 回傳給呼叫者,而呼叫者會將它存入 caches 中。這些 caches 會在 backpropagation 中被使用。

以下的程式碼時實作了 softmax activation function。

def softmax(Z):
    Implements the softmax activation.

    Z: (ndarray of any shape) - input to the activation function

    A: (ndarray of same shape as Z) - output of the activation function
    cache: (ndarray) - returning Z for backpropagation

    # Subtracting the maximum value in each column for numerical stability to avoid overflow
    Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
    A = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    cache = Z
    return A, cache

反向傳播(Backpropagation or Backward Propagation)

反向傳播(backpropagation)其實就是微分的連鎖率(chain rule)。


在 binary classification neural network 中,我們提及到如何求取各參數的導數。在 multiple classification neural network 中,我們也是要求取各參數的導數。不同的是,在這邊我們使用的 loss function 和 output layer 裡的 activation function 是不相同的。

首先,我們先計算 \frac{\partial J}{\partial A^{[L]}}

\frac{\partial J}{\partial A^{[L]}}=-\frac{1}{m}\frac{Y}{A^{[L]}}

對每一個 example 計算 \frac{\partial A^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}}。這邊要對每一個 example 分開計算是因為它會是一個 jacobian matrix

\frac{\partial A_{k}^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z_{k}^{[L](i)}}=A_{k}^{[L](i)}[\delta_{kj}-A_{j}^{[L](i)}] \\\\ \frac{\partial A^{[L](i)}}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}} \text{ is a K } \times \text{K jacobian matrix}

對每一個 example 計算 \frac{\partial J}{\partial Z^{[L](i)}} 後,再將它們合併起來。

\frac{\partial J}{\partial Z^{[L]}}=\begin{bmatrix} \vdots & \cdots & \vdots \\ \frac{\partial A^{[L](1)}}{\partial Z^{[L](1)}}\frac{\partial J^{(1)}}{\partial A^{[L](1)}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial A^{[L](m)}}{\partial Z^{[L](m)}}\frac{\partial J^{(m)}}{\partial A^{[L](m)}} \\ \vdots & \cdots & \vdots \end{bmatrix}

其他參數的偏導數計算,請參考 binary classification neural network。

以下程式碼實作 softmax activation function 的偏導數。

def softmax_backward(dA, cache):
    Implements the backward propagation for a single softmax unit.

    dA: (ndarray of any shape) - post-activation gradient
    cache: (ndarray) - Z from the forward propagation

    dZ: (ndarray of the same shape as A) - gradient of the cost with respect to Z

    def softmax_jacobian(Z):
        Z_stable = Z - np.max(Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        exp_Z = np.exp(Z_stable)
        g = exp_Z / np.sum(exp_Z, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        return np.diag(g) - np.outer(g, g)

    Z = cache
    m = Z.shape[1]
    dZ = np.zeros_like(Z)
    for k in range(m):
        dZ[:, k] = softmax_jacobian(Z[:, k]) @ dA[:, k]
    return dZ

最後,以下程式碼中的 model_backward() 實作了整個 backpropagation。

def model_backward(AL, Y, caches, activation_functions):
    Implements the backward propagation for the entire network.

    AL: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - the output of the last layer
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true labels
    caches: (list of tuples) - containing linear_cache (A_prev, W, b) and activation_cache (Z) for each layer
    activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.

    gradients: (dict) with keys where 0 <= l <= len(activation_functions) - 1:
        dA{l-1}: (ndarray (size of previous layer, number of examples)) - gradient of the cost with respect to the activation for previous layer l - 1
        dWl: (ndarray (size of current layer, size of previous layer)) - gradient of the cost with respect to W for layer l
        dbl: (ndarray (size of current layer, 1)) - gradient of the cost with respect to b for layer l

    gradients = {}
    L = len(activation_functions)
    m = AL.shape[1]
    dAL = -(1 / m) * (Y / AL)
    dA_prev = dAL
    for l in reversed(range(1, L)):
        current_cache = caches[l - 1]
        dA_prev, dW, db = linear_activation_backward(dA_prev, current_cache, activation_functions[l])
        gradients[f'dA{l - 1}'] = dA_prev
        gradients[f'dW{l}'] = dW
        gradients[f'db{l}'] = db
    return gradients


以下程式碼中的 nn_model() 實作了整個模型。它先執行 forward propagation,然後執行 backpropagation,最後更新參數。

def nn_model(X, Y, init_parameters, layer_activation_functions, learning_rate, num_iterations):
    Implements a neural network.

    X: (ndarray (input size, number of examples)) - input data
    Y: (ndarray (output size, number of examples)) - true labels
    init_parameters: (dict) - the initial parameters for the network
    layer_activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.
    learning_rate: (float) - the learning rate
    num_iterations: (int) - the number of iterations

    parameters: (dict) - the learned parameters
    costs: (list) - the costs at every 100th iteration

    costs = []
    parameters = init_parameters.copy()

    for i in range(num_iterations):
        AL, caches = model_forward(X, parameters, layer_activation_functions)
        cost = compute_cost(AL, Y)
        gradients = model_backward(AL, Y, caches, layer_activation_functions)
        parameters = update_parameters(parameters, gradients, learning_rate)

        if i % 100 == 0 or i == num_iterations:

    return parameters, costs

當訓練好參數後,我們可以用以下的 nn_model_predict() 來做預測。

def nn_model_predict(X, parameters, activation_functions):
    Predicts the output of the neural network.

    X: (ndarray (input size, number of examples)) - input data
    parameters: (dict) - the learned parameters
    activation_functions: (list) - the activation function for each layer. The first element is unused.

    predictions: (ndarray (number of classes, number of examples)) - the predicted labels

    probabilities, _ = model_forward(X, parameters, activation_functions)
    pred = np.argmax(probabilities, axis=0)
    predictions = np.zeros_like(probabilities)
    for i in range(predictions.shape[1]):
        predictions[pred[i], i] = 1
    return predictions


我們將藉由一個範例來展示如何使用我們的模型。首先,我們先將訓練資料 x_origy 載入。x_orig 是一個包含 100 張圖片的陣列。每一張圖片的大小是 64 x 64,而且有三個 channels。y 是一個包含 0 或 1 的陣列,1 表示圖片裡是貓,0 表示不是貓。

x_orig, y_orig = load_data()
print(f'x_orig shape: {x_orig.shape}')
print(f'y_orig shape: {y_orig.shape}')
# Output
x_orig shape: ndarray(100, 64, 64, 3)
y_orig shape: ndarray(1, 100)

之前我們有列出 X 的維度是 (nh, m),所以每一張圖片是一個行向量。以下我們將 x_orig 的維度,並將數值 0 至 255 轉換成 0 至 1 的值。將 y_orig 轉化成 one hot encoding

x_flatten = x_orig.reshape(x_orig.shape[0], -1).T
x = train_x_flatten / 255.

y = np.zeros((2, y_orig.shape[1]))
y[0, y_orig[0, :] == 0] = 1
y[1, y_orig[0, :] == 1] = 1

print("x shape: " + str(x.shape))
print("y shape: " + str(y.shape))

# Output
x shape: ndarray(1228, 100)
y shape: ndarray(2, 200)

首先,我們要先決定模型的層數,以及每一層 neurons 個數。以下我們設定模型有一個 input layer、hidden layer 裡有三層、以及一個 output layer。我們還要決定每一層的 activation function,其中 layer_activation_functions[0] 對應 input layer,所以不會被使用到。

這些決定好後,我們就可以初始化所有的參數 Wb,然後呼叫 nn_model() 來訓練模型。最後,取得訓練好的參數。

layer_dims = [12288, 20, 7, 10, 1]
init_parameters = initialize_parameters(layer_dims)
layer_activation_functions = ['none', 'relu', 'relu', 'relu', 'softmax']
learning_rate = 0.0075
parameters, costs = nn_model(x, y, init_parameters, layer_activation_functions, learning_rate, 3000)


x_new_orig = load_new_data()
x_new_flatten = x_new_orig.reshape(x_new_orig.shape[0], -1).T
x_new = x_new_flatten / 255.
y_new = nn_model_predict(x_new, parameters, layer_activation_functions)


求取 softmax 函數的偏導數是蠻複雜的,所幸現在我們不再需要自己實作這部分,而是使用像 PyTorch 和 TensorFlow 這類的函式庫來實作 neural network。不過了解它內部的細節,讓我們可以更加地了解它。



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